Frigga - Goddess of Love and Marriage
also known as "The Beloved", Goddess Frigga is known as the patron of love, marriage, destiny and childbirth. Her responsibility was to look over women in labor, weaving clouds and fates, and was known as a seer.
In Northern Europle, the Winter Solstice is also called "Mother Night", as it was considered that in this night, the Goddess labored to give birth to Baldur - the Norse God of Light. A candle that had been lit last on this night, is to be lit as a charm during labor, to assure and summon the protection of this Goddess.
A loving mother, Frigga's ability to see into the future caused her great pain as she foresaw the death of her beloved Baldur.
Even though she knew that she could not change his destiny, she simply couldn't just sit by and watch so the frantic goddess extracted a promise from all things that they would play no role in his death. Unfortunately she overlooked one thing, the mistletoe plant, which seemed too insignificant to approach.
And this was the unraveling of her plan.For when the malevolent trickster Loki discovered her oversight, he fashioned a dart made of the poisonous plant and, in a cruel trick, placed it in the hand of Baldur's brother Hodor who was the God of Darkness, and offered to guide his hand while teaching him to shoot darts. And so he did, guiding the arrow directly into Baldur's heart. Frigga's tears of mourning were so bounteous that the hapless plant that had caused his death took pity. From then on it would bear milky white berries that were formed from her tears.
In some versions of the myth, the story of Baldur ends happily. He is brought back to life, and the Nordic goddess Frigga is so grateful that she reverses the curse she had placed on "the baleful plant", changing it to a symbol of peace and love and promising a kiss to all who passed under it.
As a seer, one can call upon her aid to see more clearly during divination.
Her gentle and loving nature was also said to aid those who passed to move on - a gentle guide to the otherworld.
December 20th and January 12th are sacred to Frigga and May 30th is known as Frigga's Day. Also, Fridays are named after her (Frigga's Day)
"I am Frigga, Goddess of Marriage and Motherhood,
Keeper of the hearth, weaver of community.
Take pride in the holy work of feeding your family,
and caring for your home.
Even scrubbing can be sacred work deserving,
my blessing.
Your home shelters the people within,
allowing for a bond which spills out,
into the greater community.
Know that what you harbor in your home,
effects the whole world.
Celebrate your service as a caretaker,
and feel pride as a provider.
Your home is a temple.
Your family divine.