Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Prayer to Hecate

Prayer to Hecate

Most ancient Goddess, beautiful Hecate,
powerful, swift, all present
I pray to Thee.
Be with us,
Come to the aid of those in need.

Ever Watchful,
nothing escapes your understanding.
Your domain is unbounded;
the secrets of the heavens,
the earth, and the underworld
are Yours.
You hear the laments of the oppressed.

Companion of all
who travel in darkness, hear us
bearing light in your hands.
Be the guide
through the dark places.
Protect those who are in need of protection
guide those who suffer injustice toward equality
and aid the new life to build a better world for all

Goddess of Witches,
in your honor,
I offer now this flame of hope,
as a sign of my intend, love and kinship
with all who are oppressed.

Humbly your Servant and Mistress

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Squirrel Totem Animal



The squirrel is a totem animal of action, energy and being sensitive to ones surroundings. Action oriented people with squirrel totem can get easily distracted as they are always moving from one task to another, keeping busy. The squirrel warns us about idle time and asks us to get rid of those tasks that are in the way of achieving our goals. Associated with fall and winter, preparedness and conservation are important to squirrel people, as well as accumulating things - which can be good in the sense of being prepared for company and such, but can get out of hand, if one allows it to move toward hoarding.

As playful animals, they caution us to make play and social activities an important part of our day, planning ahead so that the balance between active gathering and playful interaction has its space in every day.

May 2011

Thursday, May 19, 2011

21 Day Project - Decluttering

Getting rid of clutter

Clutter, may it be emotional, spiritual, physical, financial or environmental, holds us back from reaching our true potential.

Over the next 21 days we will devoting our time to ridding ourselves of these types of clutter, through a variety of techniques.

You will need:

A Journal of any kind

Keeping this journal for the sole purpose of this project is the only requirement. Use whatever you feel most comfortable with, a simple notebook, a ring binder, or use an online journal, whichever works best for you.

Item for each day project, as noted on the individual project day

Let’s begin!

Air clutter:

For today you will need:

A sage stick, or incense (stick incense works best here),

A fireproof dish to catch the ashes

“Before you begin your clutter attack, walk around the room you are working in holding a burning sage stick.

Walk around the outer edges of the room, holding the stick over a nonflammable bowl of sand, so that when the pieces of it fall off, you won’t set the house on fire.

As you walk around the room, call upon Spirit Motherfather to guide you in bringing in light and love into your home and heart. Ask for help deciding what to keep and what to pitch. Ask for the negative vibrations to be cleansed from your home. Create your own little ritual. Every time you reach a corner, hold the stick up so that the purifying smoke reaches the topmost ceiling corners. You don’t want any negative vibrations stuck in there. You might also want to burn a while candle while you cleanse the air and cleanse the clutter.

If you feel stuck while working on the physical clutter, burn your sage stick and repeat the ritual again. Every time you start a new room, use your sage stick. When you are finished with each room, ask Spirit Motherfather again to bring light and love into your home and heart, and do your walk around with the sage stick. Thank the Spirit Motherfather.”

Source: House Magic by Arianna

Now take out your journal, sit somewhere comfortable and quiet and write out the following affirmations.

I let go with gratitude of what no longer suits me.

I grow stronger each and every day.

Now write down how you feel, spill your guts, allow the Universe to hear what bothers you so you can get rid of it! You can be as specific or general as you like, just allow the words to flow from your heart. If you feel tension during this process, repeat one of the affirmations, until you feel better.

End this and each entry with a statement of gratitude, such as a simple “Thank you” .

You are done for today!

May you be blessed!

For a unique blend of life coaching and divination visit click on Life Coaching/Readings or inquire at for an appointment

Thursday, May 5, 2011



Associated with the Throat Chakra

This stone asks you to be honest with yourself, listen to your inner voice, and speak that which is only true for you - not what others want you to say.

It represents itself as a reminder to share your vision, walk your talk and through this be a leader.

Turquoise is also an excellent grounding and healing stone, as it strenghtens ans calms the body and mind.

Throat, lungs, asthma, infections and troubles associated with teeth are aided by this stone. Honored by the Native Americans as a Power Stone.