Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Monday, April 25, 2011

Spell: Keeping Unwanted Guests Aways

Spell: Keeping Unwanted Guests Away

Before you work this spell, make sure all family members are safely inside the home. Anoint all outer door knobs with patchouli oil and smear a little across the thresholds. Unwanted guests will stay away.

Source: Dorothy Morrison's "Everyday Magic"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Flowers, Herbs and Faeries of May

Flowers, Herbs, And The Faeries Of May

By Edain McCoy, Llewellyn's 1995 Magical Almanac

From Beltaine to Midsummer, the faery kingdom celebrates the newborn spring. Throughout the centuries, Europeans made note of which vernal foliage was attractive to the wee folk and, by contrast, which plants would offer protection. Those plants marked with an asterisk (*) are poisonous and should be cultivated only with great caution, and should never be grown wherever children or pets are present.

  • Bluebell --- If bluebells ring in your garden, an evil faery is near.
  • Carnation --- The red ones draw faeries who enjoy healing animals.
  • Clover --- Wildly attractive to faery life.
  • Cowslip --- The best choice for attracting faeries to your yard.
  • Dandelion --- Believed to be used by faeries to make beverages.
  • Dill --- The fresh plant has a scent faeries dislike.
  • Foxglove* --- A favorite of earth elementals.
  • Hawthorne --- Sacred to faeries, as well as to May Queen.
  • Heliotrope* --- Enjoyed by fire elementals.
  • Gorse --- Repels virtually all faery life.
  • Hollyhock* --- A faery favorite, particularly the pink variety.
  • Lilac --- The gentle scent draws faery life.
  • Lobelia* --- Will help attract winged faeries.
  • Mistletoe* --- Can also attract unpleasant tree faeries.
  • Morning Glory* --- Repels unwanted night faeries
  • Mushrooms* --- Often used by faeries to mark the boundaries of their sacred circles or portals to their world.
  • Pansy --- Known to attract parades of trooping faeries.
  • Primrose --- Believed to give faeries their power of invisibility.
  • Rosemary --- The fresh plant protects from baneful faeries.
  • Sassafras --- Enjoyed by air elementals.
  • Shamrock --- A form of clover Celtic faeries adore.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Blessing For May Wine

Blessing For May Wine

Beltane” by Raven Grimassi

Place the wine in the center of a wreath of flowers. Hold your hands over the wine, palms down, and recite the blessing:

Blessings be upon this wine, which is the essence of

The secrets of transformation. The blood of life flows

Again back into Nature and summer approaches

With the promise of fullness. May all who drink this

Wine be filled to the brim with all that is good in life.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Unifying Thought - A Witch's Perspective

New Agers, Diviners, Psychics, Pagans, Wiccans and Witches have something in common - we are free thinkers, mostly on the border or beyond what is considered mainstream, open to experiences and points of view that are radical in the terms of the general population and many times fiercely independent.

Our differences define us, and make us special, neverless they are also our common thread, and upon this common thread I would like to build on.

Instead of conversing about what keeps us apart, we need to be aware of our power through our sheer numbers - that is if we do not let ourselves define by our difference, and allow the common ground to be our forefront.

In a world were our differences might not be apprechiated at best, and prosecuted many times, our united front allows our voice to be heard more, our rights more respected, and our values of freedom to express our path, just the way we choose to a reality for this and many more generations to come.

While I know I am ranting, I also sense that this is a time of crossroads, a time where either we are going to be accepted or run over again, put back into hiding, where some still think we belong.

So I urge you to consider to reach out to those fellow people whom are as we are here, different, and if possible be their voice, to the benefit of us all.

Blessed Be


Sunday, April 17, 2011

Being Chased In Dreams

Being Chased In Dreams

Fleeing from people, animals, monsters

By Cortney Litwin

Recurring dreams of being chased can be annoyingly persistent. They can happen on a regular basis, often with different scenarios and pursuers, until you get the message. So what are these dreams trying to tell you?

Facing Your Fears

Being chased can evoke tremendous fear. Whether you're fleeing from a person, animal, monster or -- perhaps the scariest -- something threatening but unseen, there's a sense of helpless in the face of something you can't control. So the first thing to ask yourself is, what's chasing me? What's going on in my life that I'm afraid of? What am I trying to avoid/hide from? The fear might be connected to a person who makes you feel threatened or victimized. Or perhaps it's their expectations that are hounding you. The pursuer might be a situation you're having trouble facing, even if it's something from your distant past. Even more likely, it's a persistent emotional issue, such as anger, hatred, inadequacy or powerlessness that needs to be resolved.

Inner Conflict Revealed

Outwitting killers while rescuing cats is the goal of Kim in Chatsworth , California :

Night after night, I dream I'm being chased. Sometimes it's one person trying to kill me, but usually it's a group of people. I always outwit them, but it's close. In one of the dreams, while I'm running, I am surrounded by cats; two of them are my cats, the rest are wild. I am trying to find mine and bring them home while running and trying to escape from being killed. Why am I dreaming I'm being chased night after night? There's a sense of multitasking gone awry in this dream. Too many demands (groups of people chasing her), too little time. Kim indicated she's a Virgo, the sign of the hardworking perfectionist, which suggests she's taking on too much and then criticizing herself if she does a less than perfect job. It's her perfectionism that's chasing her. Kim's pet cats symbolize her responsible, nurturing side, while the wildcats represent the part of her that wants to be free. If she can reconcile the two opposing aspects of her nature, the dreams of being chased will likely cease.

Chased by the Dead

Bridget in Keithville , Louisiana shares this startling dream:

My grandmother died a week after my birthday in 2003. I was with her while she was in the hospital and took her last breath. I even did her hair and make-up for her funeral. About a month or less afterward, I had a dream about her. She was still at the funeral home and I was there to do her make-up. She got up from the table and chased me around the room. I woke up very scared. I was also depressed because I had loved her so much. Can you explain what the dream was supposed to mean? It left me very confused. I think Bridget's grandmother is very much alive in the afterlife, and to emphasize the fact, she got up and chased her astonished granddaughter around the room! The dream is also urging Bridget not to run from her grief; she can't make it go away by covering it up (make-up).

Dangerous Waters

It's a scene from 'Jaws' for Samantha in Hollywood , California :

I have had dreams of being chased by huge sharks -- almost the size of whales. They try snapping at me in smaller wading pools, always chasing and hunting me, and I hide under them. It's always one beast per dream, but many dreams. I wake up frightened. These recurring dreams may reveal a fear of emotional expression. Water dreams are excellent gauges of your emotional health. Calm, clear water indicates a harmonious inner life. Dangerous creatures lurking in the water, however, reveal an issue the dreamer needs to face. It's interesting that Samantha hides under the shark when it comes after her. It's as if she's safe under its radar, which may point to her feeling unsafe when revealing her feelings to others. (More likely, it's one particular feeling, since she's pursued by a single shark.) What this feeling is, and why she's fearful of expressing it, are questions Samantha's dreams can help answer.

Rising Above it All

Meredith in Los Angeles , California attempts to escape by flying:

I dream I'm being chased and trying to get away by flying. Someone I can't see or name is chasing me -- a nefarious sort. I'm flapping and trying to gain momentum and soar, but I start sinking. I flap harder and flap faster and run faster, but I am sinking and there's nothing I can do about it. I am also afraid of heights at the same time; if I get too high, I freak out. When I'm too tired to fly, I try to hide. But often they find me, so I just keep running and running. I'm exhausted when I wake up from these tiring dreams. Meredith's method of dealing with challenging situations is to rise above them. This can be effective in certain circumstances, like staying out of office politics or an argument between two friends. However, it can be exhausting when she attempts to fly too high (repeatedly stuffs her feelings). Finding a balance between silence and self-expression will keep her emotionally grounded, while enabling her to soar above the muck when she needs to.

A Friend in Disguise

What may surprise you about chasing dreams is that your pursuer has a positive intention for you. By hunting you down night after night, it's actually trying to help you resolve a problem that is hindering your personal growth. Think of your pursuer as a messenger from your higher consciousness, which always has your soul's best interests in mind.

Being Chased In Dreams

Being Chased In Dreams

Fleeing from people, animals, monsters

By Cortney Litwin

Recurring dreams of being chased can be annoyingly persistent. They can happen on a regular basis, often with different scenarios and pursuers, until you get the message. So what are these dreams trying to tell you?

Facing Your Fears

Being chased can evoke tremendous fear. Whether you're fleeing from a person, animal, monster or -- perhaps the scariest -- something threatening but unseen, there's a sense of helpless in the face of something you can't control. So the first thing to ask yourself is, what's chasing me? What's going on in my life that I'm afraid of? What am I trying to avoid/hide from? The fear might be connected to a person who makes you feel threatened or victimized. Or perhaps it's their expectations that are hounding you. The pursuer might be a situation you're having trouble facing, even if it's something from your distant past. Even more likely, it's a persistent emotional issue, such as anger, hatred, inadequacy or powerlessness that needs to be resolved.

Inner Conflict Revealed

Outwitting killers while rescuing cats is the goal of Kim in Chatsworth , California :

Night after night, I dream I'm being chased. Sometimes it's one person trying to kill me, but usually it's a group of people. I always outwit them, but it's close. In one of the dreams, while I'm running, I am surrounded by cats; two of them are my cats, the rest are wild. I am trying to find mine and bring them home while running and trying to escape from being killed. Why am I dreaming I'm being chased night after night? There's a sense of multitasking gone awry in this dream. Too many demands (groups of people chasing her), too little time. Kim indicated she's a Virgo, the sign of the hardworking perfectionist, which suggests she's taking on too much and then criticizing herself if she does a less than perfect job. It's her perfectionism that's chasing her. Kim's pet cats symbolize her responsible, nurturing side, while the wildcats represent the part of her that wants to be free. If she can reconcile the two opposing aspects of her nature, the dreams of being chased will likely cease.

Chased by the Dead

Bridget in Keithville , Louisiana shares this startling dream:

My grandmother died a week after my birthday in 2003. I was with her while she was in the hospital and took her last breath. I even did her hair and make-up for her funeral. About a month or less afterward, I had a dream about her. She was still at the funeral home and I was there to do her make-up. She got up from the table and chased me around the room. I woke up very scared. I was also depressed because I had loved her so much. Can you explain what the dream was supposed to mean? It left me very confused. I think Bridget's grandmother is very much alive in the afterlife, and to emphasize the fact, she got up and chased her astonished granddaughter around the room! The dream is also urging Bridget not to run from her grief; she can't make it go away by covering it up (make-up).

Dangerous Waters

It's a scene from 'Jaws' for Samantha in Hollywood , California :

I have had dreams of being chased by huge sharks -- almost the size of whales. They try snapping at me in smaller wading pools, always chasing and hunting me, and I hide under them. It's always one beast per dream, but many dreams. I wake up frightened. These recurring dreams may reveal a fear of emotional expression. Water dreams are excellent gauges of your emotional health. Calm, clear water indicates a harmonious inner life. Dangerous creatures lurking in the water, however, reveal an issue the dreamer needs to face. It's interesting that Samantha hides under the shark when it comes after her. It's as if she's safe under its radar, which may point to her feeling unsafe when revealing her feelings to others. (More likely, it's one particular feeling, since she's pursued by a single shark.) What this feeling is, and why she's fearful of expressing it, are questions Samantha's dreams can help answer.

Rising Above it All

Meredith in Los Angeles , California attempts to escape by flying:

I dream I'm being chased and trying to get away by flying. Someone I can't see or name is chasing me -- a nefarious sort. I'm flapping and trying to gain momentum and soar, but I start sinking. I flap harder and flap faster and run faster, but I am sinking and there's nothing I can do about it. I am also afraid of heights at the same time; if I get too high, I freak out. When I'm too tired to fly, I try to hide. But often they find me, so I just keep running and running. I'm exhausted when I wake up from these tiring dreams. Meredith's method of dealing with challenging situations is to rise above them. This can be effective in certain circumstances, like staying out of office politics or an argument between two friends. However, it can be exhausting when she attempts to fly too high (repeatedly stuffs her feelings). Finding a balance between silence and self-expression will keep her emotionally grounded, while enabling her to soar above the muck when she needs to.

A Friend in Disguise

What may surprise you about chasing dreams is that your pursuer has a positive intention for you. By hunting you down night after night, it's actually trying to help you resolve a problem that is hindering your personal growth. Think of your pursuer as a messenger from your higher consciousness, which always has your soul's best interests in mind.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Frigga - Goddess of Love and Marriage

Frigga - Goddess of Love and Marriage

also known as "The Beloved", Goddess Frigga is known as the patron of love, marriage, destiny and childbirth. Her responsibility was to look over women in labor, weaving clouds and fates, and was known as a seer.

In Northern Europle, the Winter Solstice is also called "Mother Night", as it was considered that in this night, the Goddess labored to give birth to Baldur - the Norse God of Light. A candle that had been lit last on this night, is to be lit as a charm during labor, to assure and summon the protection of this Goddess.

A loving mother, Frigga's ability to see into the future caused her great pain as she foresaw the death of her beloved Baldur.

Even though she knew that she could not change his destiny, she simply couldn't just sit by and watch so the frantic goddess extracted a promise from all things that they would play no role in his death. Unfortunately she overlooked one thing, the mistletoe plant, which seemed too insignificant to approach.

And this was the unraveling of her plan.For when the malevolent trickster Loki discovered her oversight, he fashioned a dart made of the poisonous plant and, in a cruel trick, placed it in the hand of Baldur's brother Hodor who was the God of Darkness, and offered to guide his hand while teaching him to shoot darts. And so he did, guiding the arrow directly into Baldur's heart. Frigga's tears of mourning were so bounteous that the hapless plant that had caused his death took pity. From then on it would bear milky white berries that were formed from her tears.
In some versions of the myth, the story of Baldur ends happily. He is brought back to life, and the Nordic goddess Frigga is so grateful that she reverses the curse she had placed on "the baleful plant", changing it to a symbol of peace and love and promising a kiss to all who passed under it.

As a seer, one can call upon her aid to see more clearly during divination.

Her gentle and loving nature was also said to aid those who passed to move on - a gentle guide to the otherworld.

December 20th and January 12th are sacred to Frigga and May 30th is known as Frigga's Day. Also, Fridays are named after her (Frigga's Day)

"I am Frigga, Goddess of Marriage and Motherhood,
Keeper of the hearth, weaver of community.
Take pride in the holy work of feeding your family,
and caring for your home.
Even scrubbing can be sacred work deserving,
my blessing.
Your home shelters the people within,
allowing for a bond which spills out,
into the greater community.
Know that what you harbor in your home,
effects the whole world.
Celebrate your service as a caretaker,
and feel pride as a provider.
Your home is a temple.
Your family divine.