Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Monday, December 30, 2013

Book Of Shadows

Witches Book of Shadows

The Book of Shadows is essentially your record, your very own definition of what your Craft means to you. That is its foremost purpose.
While it can contain the information that a tradition, coven or group you belong to, it should more then anything reflect your personal connection to the practice of the Craft.

It is easy to fall into the trap of copying all of the information out there about the Craft. Not only is that impossible because of its volume, but it is also a hollow description, because it lacks personal connection.

Witchcraft is personal in every way. It is constantly moving, evolving, changing and expanding. With each practitioner the flavor or practice changes, sometimes slightly, sometimes more.

There are basics and truths that are universal, and yes such should be included, but even these will only bring fruit for the Witch that creates the Book of Shadows, if they feel right, if a connection is made.

I speak from a standpoint of non-Wiccan, therefore my definition of Witch and the practice of Witchcraft will be different then the one from a practicing Wiccan Witch. Therefore our record will be different, heck you might not call this book a Books of Shadows at all but a Grimoire.

The personal nature of the Book is also reflected that it is often secret. Some who consider it a magickal journal, or contain information that their community deems as for the Initiate, will not allow others to view their Book of Shadows. Others think of this more loosely - openly share parts, or even create a less personal family Book of Shadows that only contains general information, while keeping the journal and private type of spell work away from outsiders.

Enjoy the fluidity of the creation of this Book. You can go as elaborate or as plain as you wish, keeping in mind which symbols and structure speaks best to your Higher Self and belief structure. Have fun with its creation and cherish the personal connection of this aspect of our Craft.

Hail Hecate!

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