Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Interfaith Marriages - Our Responsibilities as Pagan Clergy

"Interfaith marriages and relationships are on the rise. "

My first reaction as I read about interfaith relationships was that is a good thing - showing the trend in more tolerance, acceptance and open-mindedness that we are so desperately been asking for.
But that fact also leaves us as Pagan Clergy with the responsibility and potential reality of conducting interfaith marriages. As many of us do not come from a Pagan upbringing, we bring with us the memories of other faith ceremonies, having attended them in the past through our families and friends. Still attending such a ceremony is one thing, knowing it deeply to truly honor an interfaith ceremony is another. As we blend together people of different traditions we need to educate ourselves not just about the practices of those traditions, but the customs of such traditions that pertains such celebrations.
Which leads me to a question to all of you Pagan clergy out there:
How comfortable would you be right now to lead an interfaith ceremony? And where do you think you could use more assistance in order to conduct such a wedding?

Blessed Be Peace

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