Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Friday, October 11, 2013

Pagan Blog Project - U is for Understanding and Unakite

I thought I would use the opportunity of this weeks letter to learn something, to understand another aspect of my craft, and in that quest I was drawn to crystals. One of the best books, at least in my opinion one can have for identifying crystals is Judy Hall's The Encyclopedia of Crystals. That is where I came across Unakite, a crystal I have only seen in passing before today. Here is what I found out about it.


A stone of vision, Unakite balances emotions with spirituality and opens the third eye, providing grounding after meditation or metaphysical work. This stone facitilitates rebirthing, bringing to light and integrating insights from the past about the cause of the blockages, and gently releasing conditions that inhibit spiritual and psychological growth. It is also helpful in past-life healing for going back to the source of a problem and refraiming it, clearing a need for vengence if required. Whether it arises in the far or near past, Unakite reaches the root cause of emotional disease at whatever level it occurs, bringing it to surgace for transformation

From "The Encyclopedia of Crystals" by Judy Hall

Besides the fact that I find this stone very beautiful, it is also associated with Scorpio, and as this is my sign, I understand very well while I was drawn to it. Looks like in my next quest to hung for  crystal, I will have to add an example of this stone to my collection.

Goddess Blessings!

1 comment:

  1. It is a beautiful stone. I had never heard of it before. Thanks for sharing the interesting facts about it.
