Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Friday, November 29, 2013

Hecate Trivia - A Very Personal Celebration

Tomorrow is Hecate Trivia - one of the celebrations that honors our Lady Hecate.

I have been thinking about how to celebrate this year, not feeling a connection to traditional associations at this point, not wanting to just go through the motions of ritual and pre-described notions.
She deserves better then that.
I deserve better then that.
A spiritual connection can not be simply doing what others do, even if those aspects make sense to us at some point. It is about a personal spiritual relationship, and that is a fluid one. Sometimes in need for formal ritual, sometimes in need for a quiet moment of connecting. The Goddess does not live somewhere outside of us, we are her, she is us, inseparable. So we can neither lie to ourselves nor to her, by attempting a specific guided rhythm of worship.
Not that I think, that a true relationship to deity involved worship.
It involves connection, truth, recognizing the oneness with the Source in the aspect of which we are choosing to acknowledge at the moment. It is the comfort of realizing that we are not alone, but all interconnected despite
the perceived distance of our individual self and to the energies of the Universe.
It is personal, profound, ever-changing, and different.

How will you choose to celebrate this years connection to Our Great Lady Hecate?

Goddess Blessings!

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