Pagan Blog Project 2014

Pagan Blog Project 2014

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Honoring The Goddess - My Gift To Hecate

My Gift To Hecate

Today, I offer my Lady two things

1. A daily gratitude list (I will post it next 30 days on this blog, so I get into the habit)
2. My best - by that I mean, making a goal list, that is in code with my belief system, and stick to it, while giving it my all and following through.

In order to honor the Universe, and her expression I choose to connect to - the Great Goddess Hecate, I have to be the best that I can be, and stop making excuses. Only when we give our best, and live with our passion do we truly honor the Ancient Gods, our Ancestors (which includes all the struggles they went through) and our spiritual family/community. We do not need any more biggering, mediocrity and laziness. What we need is our best, to better the world we live in, to make a difference for the generations here, those we are raising, and those to come.

So that is my offering to the Goddess, and my way of celebrating her. Remember she is not the gentle one, but she does assist those whom call upon her, they way they need to be assisted.

How do you honor the Great Goddess in your daily life?

Hail Hecate!

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